
X-ray Diffraction and Elemental Analysis

Under the title of X-ray Diffraction and Elemental Analysis: we provide X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction, Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Handheld XRF, LIBS, Micro-XRF and TXRF, X-ray Metrology, EDS, WDS, EBSD, SEM Micro-XRF, Optical Emission Spectrometry, and CS/ONH-Analysis. For more information, please click the link below.

Elemental Analysis (Analytikjena)

Depending on the specifications of products you require, we offer a wide variety of suitable laboratory instruments.

Infrared, Near Infrared and Ramen Spectroscopy

Under the title of Infrared, Near Infrared and Ramen Spectroscopy: we provide FT-IR Microscopes, Raman Microscopes, FT-NIR Spectrometers, FT-IR Routine Spectrometers, FT-IR Research, Spectrometers, FTIR/NIR for Process, Dairy Analyzers, Gas Analysis, Remote Sensing, Terahertz, Raman, OPUS – Spectroscopy Software. For more information, please click the link below.

Magnetic Resonance

Under the title of Magnetic Resonance: we provide NMR, MR in Pharma, NMR Food Screening, NMR Preclinical Screening, EPR, Preclinical MRI, TD-NMR, NMR Software, EPR Software.

Surface and Dimensional Analysis

We provide atomic force microscopes which can be used in the application area of Material research, industrial, life sciences research, and AFM modes.

Mercury Analysers

Liquid Nitrogen Generators


UV-Vis Spectrometers

Sonic Ruptors