Desktop X-Ray Diffraction Tool

The D2 PHASER delivers data quality and collection speed with the performance of virtual elimination of background from sample fluorescence and Bremsstrahlung scattering, significantly improved peak to background boosting lower limits of detection and quantification and clean diffraction line profile shapes without metal filter artefacts to improve peak fitting results and accuracy in quantitative phase analysis.
Category – Desktop X-Ray Diffraction Tool
Manufacturer – Bruker
Application area – Cement, Material Properties, Minerals & Mining, Oil & Gas
The new D8 ENDEAVOR is an advanced X-ray Diffraction (XRD) system for powder applications in industrial process optimization and quality control. The system can be used stand alone in a multi-user environment, or integrated into a laboratory environment for fully automated operation.
Category – Process and Quality Control
Manufacturer – Bruker
Application area – Cement, Minerals, Metals, Aluminum, Respirable Silica

The D8 ADVANCE is a fully extensible modular system addressing the analytical needs of powder, bulk and thin film samples, at ambient and non ambient conditions. For the multipurpose solutions: D8 ADVANCE Eco, D8 ADVANCE Twin and D8 ADVANCE Plus are available. For the dedicated solutions: D8 ADVANCE for XRD², D8 ADVANCE for Stress, and D8 ADVANCE for Structure Analysis are available.
Category – Fully extensible modular system
Manufacturer – Bruker
Application area – Cement, Minerals, Metals, Aluminum, Respirable Silica